Canadian citizens and permanent residents who live in Canada can sponsor their loved ones and help them get a Permanent Residence for Canada through the Family Class Program. Don’t risk your future. We are Certified Canadian Immigration Consultants.
Who can be sponsored for a Canadian Spouse Sponsorship?
As a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident, you may sponsor a spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner and his/her dependent children. Your partner (husband or wife) can be either of the opposite or same-sex.
You are a spouse if you’re married to your sponsor and your marriage is legally valid.
You are a common-law partner (either of the opposite sex or same-sex) if you have been living together in a conjugal relationship for at least one year.
You are a conjugal partner if you and your partner have not been able to marry or live in a common-law relation due to circumstances beyond your control (either political, religious, social or cultural impediments from the country of residence).
Subjectivity plays an important part in Canadian spousal sponsorships. We know Canada’s spouse sponsorship Application terms very well. Errors or omissions could delay your application or even lead to refusals. As Canadian Certified Immigration Consultants, we can assess you to improve your chances of approval.
Common-law Partner Program
If you have been living together in a marriage-like relationship for at least 12 months consecutively (either in an opposite or in a same-sex relationship), it means that you are in a common-law relationship.
Sponsoring your partner under the common-law category requires you to provide additional proof of your relationship, making it a little more complicated than if you were married. Most common-law relationships do not have a government-issued document that confirms their relationship as married couples do.
So, unlike married couples, common-law partners must provide documentation to prove they have cohabited for at least 12 months.
As immigration consultants, we can assess you to make sure the documentation you provide is coherent and relevant.
We understand that obtaining a permanent residence for your common-law partner is a significant event in your life. With many years of experience in spouse and common-law partner sponsorship applications, we are committed to help you prepare a complete and strong application. Errors or omissions can cause delays or even the application’s rejection.
Don’t risk your future. Send us a message or fill out our form so we can assess you on your case.
Conjugal Partner Program
The Conjugal Partner sponsorship category is for partners – either of the opposite sex or same-sex – under exceptional circumstances beyond their control (either political, religious, social or cultural impediments from the country of residence) that prevent them from qualifying as common-law partners or spouses by living together.
The conjugal partner sponsor stream only applies in particular cases. For instance, it could apply to a couple where the Canadian partner’s partner is married in a country where divorce does not exist or to a same-sex relationship where the Canadian person’s conjugal partner lives in a country where same-sex marriage does not exist. Proof of a marital relationship is mandatory.
Same Sex Marriage
You can apply to sponsor your same-sex partner as a spouse if you:
are a citizen or permanent resident of Canada and
were married in Canada and issued a marriage certificate by a Canadian province or territory on or after one of these dates:
If you were married outside Canada, you may apply to sponsor your same-sex partner as a spouse as long as the marriage is legally recognized according to both the law of the place where the marriage occurred and under Canadian law. It is your responsibility to provide information to CIC confirming that your same-sex-marriage was legally recognized when and where it occurred.
Canadian citizens and permanent residents who live in Canada can sponsor their loved ones and help them get a Permanent Residence through the Family Class program. If you are considering sponsoring your conjugal partner, we can help with your application. We specialize in assessments for conjugal partner sponsorships in Canada.
Subjectivity plays an important part in Canadian conjugal partner sponsorships. We know the requirements and can assess you in every step of the way. Errors or omissions could delay your spouse’s application or even lead to a refusal.
We are a team of dedicated, certified immigration consultants that have helped thousands of people with their conjugal partner sponsorship application. Don’t risk your future. Send us a message or fill out the form so we can assess your case. We can help you sponsor your partner through the spouse sponsorship stream.
Our staff speak different languages so that you can communicate more effectively in your first language. We would love the opportunity to help you with the process of sponsoring your conjugal partner in Canada.
Contact us for a free evaluation of your case.